
Fractional CTO

Senior technology expertise that scales as your business grows
Fractional CTO Meeting Room

Technology Strategy

Tech Roadmaps & Requirements


Scalability Validation

Prepare for growth


Architecture & Process

Audit websites, apps & process


Team Development

Plan who to hire and when

What is a Fractional CTO?

A Fractional CTO (Chief Technology Officer) provides senior-level technology leadership on a part-time basis, offering strategic insight and tactical know-how to grow your business effectively. In a new company, a CTO serves as the linchpin for technology strategy and innovation. They are responsible for aligning the tech roadmap with business goals, overseeing development teams, and making key decisions on technology stacks and architecture. The CTO also plays a crucial role in scaling the company's technology infrastructure to accommodate growth.

Why Your Business May Need One

Your growing business needs technology leadership, but a full-time CTO might not be feasible. Whether it's budget constraints or a limited talent pool, a Fractional CTO solves these challenges.

  • Technology Misalignment: Using wrong or outdated technology can impede growth.

  • Scaling Issues: As your business grows, so do your technology needs. Failure to scale can cripple momentum.

  • Innovation Lag: The lack of tech leadership can result in missed opportunities for innovation.

  • Overspending: Spending too much on development or IT services or investing in the wrong technologies.

  • Team Misalignment: Hiring the wrongs skills at the wrong time.

A Fractional CTO will accelerate your organizations ability to reach meaningful milestones by aligning early with senior management.

  • Strategic Planning: Align your technology roadmap with business objectives.

  • Technology Selection: Make informed decisions on architecture, platforms, and tools.

  • Team Mentorship: Empower your team with leadership and skill development.

How It Works

Initial Consultation

Understand your business needs and challenges.

Strategic Planning

Develop a tailored technology roadmap.


Execute plans, mentor teams, and ensure project success.

Review and Adjust

Regularly assess technology alignment and make necessary adjustments.

Plans & Pricing

Up to 10 hours/month
Entry Level
  • Weekly, 1hr team meetings
  • 1hr+ of weekly additional project time
Up to 40 hours/month
Level 1
  • Weekly team meetings
  • 1d+ of additional project time
  • Board/advisor meeting participation

Frequently Asked Questions

A Fractional CTO (Chief Technology Officer) provides senior-level technology leadership on a part-time basis, offering strategic insight and tactical know-how to grow your business effectively.

As with any senior hire, you have the ability to meet with and interview our CTOs to ensure there is a good fit before getting started.

Our staff will only work with a small number of clients at a time. Depending on availability, a CTO can be matched with your team within a couple of weeks. Our team can be available on short notice to assist with high-priority situations.

There is no minimum, but a 3-month commitment is recommended to get started.


"After assessing our current technology stack, our Fractional CTO recommended alternative tools which enabled us to launch much earlier than the track we were on."



"Our Fractional CTO confirmed what we already thought - we were spending too much money on app development and hadn't built on the right technologies. Our Fractional CTO quickly helped us cut costs and turn the ship to reach a point where software projects were delivered on time and on budget."


